Monday, August 25, 2008

Game #1 Old Kids Atheletic Vs Peterborough

Game Number 1
Crowd: neighbourhood folks who peer from their HDB and occasional bypassers.
Score: 4-4
Bob - 10ish
Bob - 40 ish
David - 65ish
David - 70ish

Dear team,

this is a email for the spine of the team, a pre match briefing to prepare us for our first win of the season. Since its the inaugural match of our season, it is imperative that we win. Just a short recap on what Peterborough is about. They are a bunch of young kids of average age 20 who should still be serving the nation or transitioning back to studies. Their fitness is their key strength. However, we the dauntless warriors should not be fazed by the challenge ahead. I hope we take this match in our own stride and OWN THEIR TEAM this time.

Steven Gerrard said this in the adidas football ad, "my task is not to score pass the keeper, my task is to destroy him". Take no prisoners and leave nothing for them. Team, our victory is our pride!!

Below is the analysis of their key strength:
1. they have an Indian, and Indians can run. This guy is a right winger, we need to shackle this person because he is nothing but pure speed, stamina and skill. Nothing goes happens unless it goes through him. He has a weakness though, with all the industry he posses, he doesnt like to shoot. So the key to stopping him is to have a person track him down and not commit, and intercept his final delivery.

2. they have a mutt who i think plays left back, he is speed and skill but cannot last more than 30min. Just make him overlap into nothing.

3. their striker is sharp but pretty short. we can snuff out his attacks as long as we have a big guy just obstructing him.

4. they can string about 6 to 7 good passes together. remember, we should not chase shadows and defenders, command your people, we need to talk on the field. Another person shouting for you isnt criticising you. He is making you more game aware.

5. they have a good actor who dived and feign injury. we should have a badass attitude if we see them split into 2...... no just kidding. do not panic and think its our fault. anyways, in contact sports, its either you fall or the other person fall. what happens in the game stays in the game. if i were u, i'd rather be the one standing.

I think we do not need an elaborate plan to counter them. We just need to have a winning mentality. Besides, it has been strongly suggested we play more ground ball because we have good forwards and playmaker. If you know Sam, he is fabregas in disguise. Besides we have a good midfield engine in the form of newly in love eng wee. We should do a good job. :) Take this time to congratulate him as well, haha.

Gary's reply....

Dear Lads,

On my travels to scout out good players with no budget from the Board, Ihave signed Wilson (father of one kid, and soon another). In my memory, he is a good player, now due to age and fitness levels, he has redefined himself into a Defender.

I have also signed my friend Zhen Wei, who played a tremendous game last match in a Central Defender role. Xin Wei, I think you and him, both tall and big can developed into our Vidic and Ferdi duo.

Our goalie Edward, who is on playing now for SAF Reservist Warriors say he will try to play in this match. As for Sam and his friend, Xin Wei, you got any updates on their availabilty?

Tentatively, these are the confirmed players

1) GaryChaoGegson
2) JevoniniVanbronCros
3) EngWeeSolsjakala
4) XinWFangdinland
5) DavidBeckYeng
6) Jon-ando Torres
7) Jackson Grobrala
8) GheeKiatsson
9) Bobby Charlton

Mostly likely

1) Wilson Philips
2) ZhenWei Vidic
3) Edward Van Der Saa

Still Asking

1) Sams Fabregas
2) Hisfriendforgotname

This team is the closest to a fully "CCHClish" a la "English" team you can get. Our Winger MingXuanaldo opted to attend the Gala screening of "Money Not Enuff 2", thus opted to seat out for this match.

That aside, we have a strong chance to win this, and with the many games that we had played between this and our last meeting, we have gained valuable experience.

Believe we can win, play as a team, take ownership of your role, talk to each other, keep the football simple and when you enjoy the game the football will become Beautiful. Thank You Jesus.

Thank You & Best Regards,
Mech Engineer - Football Grp
Old Trafford
29 Intl Bs Pk, #07-01 AIG Bldg Twr A
Manchester 609923
Tel No. (+65)68958 490 (CALL TO DONATE)

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